Mutwiri’s solar project providing power to community

Dennis Mutwiri, third year scholar, reports that his community project involving introducing solar power is providing benefits.Dennis Mutwiri, third year scholar, reports that his community project involving introducing solar power is providing benefits. Pictured left is a community member who bought a solar kit on credit and is now using the power for lighting, recharging phones and powering a radios.

Commercially, he charges mobile phones for persons in the neighborhood at the rate of KSH10 per phone and uses some of the proceeds to repay the loan for the solar kit. Continue reading

Mundia graduates with degree in Dentistry

We are happy to announce the graduation of our sixth scholar, David Mundia, who  graduated with a degree in Dentistry on December 2, 2011. We are happy to announce the graduation of our sixth scholar, David Mundia, who  graduated with a degree in Dentistry on December 2, 2011.

David grew up in one of Nairobi’s largest and poorest slums, Korogocho, where medical care was unavailable. These circumstances challenged and motivated him to work hard in school, so that he would be able to make a difference for the poor in Korogocho by one day helping to provide quality, accessible and affordable health care. Continue reading

Four new scholars welcomed

The annual orientation meeting was held to welcome the four new scholars chosen this year.The annual orientation meeting was held to welcome the four new scholars chosen this year.  The scholars are Marlyn Nyabuti (center; Medical School), Eunita Akim (right; Nursing School), Hussein Abdhallah (left; Actuarial Science) and Brian Kilonzi (Medical School; not pictured).

Kennedy Otieno (current scholar) and Levis Maina (alumni) gave presentations and the group oriented the new scholars as to the mission and purpose of PATHWAYS, i.e. to build leaders through community development/empowerment projects.

Congratulations to scholars Aphonce Oginga, Dennis Mutwiri and Jemimah Peters for planning the conference with the help of Catherine Kaimenyi and Dr. Mbaabu Mathiu.

Scholars moving forward with agricultural project

Second year scholar, Jemimah Peter, reports that her women’s group was informed about cassava from third year scholar Michael Murigi and now are motivated to move forward with their agricultural project.Second year scholar, Jemimah Peter, reports that her women’s group was informed about cassava from third year scholar Michael Murigi and now are motivated to move forward with their agricultural project. They are planting sukuma wikis and tomatoes and will plant cassava when the short rains come.

A water tank purchased through Jemimah’s project award, is being used to help with watering (pictured above). This is a good example of more senior scholars helping more junior scholars.