Lily Chepkorir

Lily Chepkorir

  • Bachelors of Agriculture, University of Nairobi, 2010
  • Economic Project: Beekeeping and Tree Planting for Economic Development in Bomet
  • Bomet
  • Mentor: Lydia Koros

Lily Chepkorir, a 2006 PATHWAYS scholar, comes from a very poor family. Despite her economic hardships, she scored a B+ on her school leaving exam. In her community of Bomet, Lily often helped with projects such as soil erosion control, planting trees, and raising HIV/AIDS awareness. Her project focused on a beekeeping enterprise in her community to improve the economy. “Instead of areas lying idle, I saw beekeeping and honey production could help the living standards of the people by generating income.” Continue reading

Monicah Wairimu

Monicah Wairimu

  • Bachelors of Mathematics and Computer Science, Kenya Methodist University, 2009
  • Water and Education Project: Water tanks and building a nursery school in her village of Elementaita
  • Mentor: Catherine Kaimenyi

Monicah, an orphan, is the third PATHWAYS scholar. Monicah reflected in 2005, “Most of us have a vision of improving people’s lives in the society, but it is not possible due to financial problems.” Monicah’s project was to address safe water and educational needs of children and economic needs of women. Her project provided 4 families each with a 50 gallon water tank that provided safe water for 30 people. A pre-school building was built on a 2 acre plot that provided a needed space for more than 100 children each year to attend school. Due to demand for education the school has grown to include kindergarten classes to class 1-3. From 2005 to 2012, the number of needy children attending early education increased from 40 to 110. From the fees charged for the pre-school, 3 women from the community were employed as teachers. The school Continue reading

Levis Maina

Levis Maina

  • Bachelors of Commerce, University of Nairobi, 2009
  • Hands on Kenya Project: Developing the volunteer organization “Hands on” in Kenya
  • Nairobi
  • Mentor: Catherine Kaimenyi

Levis is the second PATHWAYS scholar selected in 2005. While his family was economically disadvantaged, he was an exceptional student, earning an A- on the national school leaving exam. His project comprised starting a volunteer organization; an offshoot of a US-based organization ( with the purpose of organizing Kenyans to give their time and effort to serve their community. “It would be of great satisfaction seeing my humble society move to strength.” Continue reading

Kennedy Otieno

Kennedy Otieno

  • Bachelors of Surveying, University of Nairobi, 2012
  • Economic Project: Recycling waste, water to improve economic conditions and the environment
  • Ng”oche Village
  • Mentor: Catherine Kaimenyi

Ken’s project focused on waste collection pits but over time he initiated several other projects such as bee keeping, poultry keeping, borehole drilling and tree planting. Over twenty waste collection pits were dug and were used as compost pits to enrich the soil for farming as well as improving home hygiene. Five bee hives were established in the beginning and the number has risen to twenty two over a span of two years. The honey harvest yield approximately 20 liters of honey per month which generates a total income of approximately Kshs. 16,670 per month (Kshs. 250 per 300ml of honey). Twenty chickens were kept at the start of this project that Continue reading