- Bachelors of Commerce, University of Nairobi, 2009
- Hands on Kenya Project: Developing the volunteer organization “Hands on” in Kenya
- Nairobi
- Mentor: Catherine Kaimenyi
Levis is the second PATHWAYS scholar selected in 2005. While his family was economically disadvantaged, he was an exceptional student, earning an A- on the national school leaving exam. His project comprised starting a volunteer organization; an offshoot of a US-based organization (www.handsonnetwork.org) with the purpose of organizing Kenyans to give their time and effort to serve their community. “It would be of great satisfaction seeing my humble society move to strength.”
Hands on Kenya is a non-profit volunteer organization, affiliated with Hands on Network which seeks to enhance volunteerism by engaging Kenyans in flexibly-scheduled, hands-on projects to meet the critical human, educational and environmental needs of its citizens. In its first year, Hands on Kenya sponsored a high impact cleanup at the Kenyatta National Hospital on July 5, 2006. This was attended by 60 people offering over 180 hours of meaningful volunteer work cleaning over 30 wards.
In its second year, Hands on Kenya sponsored another high impact project at the SOS Children’s Village in Nairobi on the 12th of December 2006. Fifty student volunteers participated in slashing 250 sq. meters of grass, planting 40 trees and flowers and giving gifts to 45 children. It was a huge success. In addition, the volunteer organization provided teaching support to the headteacher of the Lower Kabete Rehabilitation School.